Numbers and shapes


This month we are going to start introducing the recognition of the number 1 and circle!!!

Exploring the number 1 and circles

Brush painting freely the number 1

Colouring the number 1 + 1 apple

Brush painting the number 1

                                      Bingo marker number 1

Collage number 1 with corn

Collage number 1

                                                 Number 1 + 1 circle

Making big and small circles

Number 1 and circle using playdough

Can you find circles at home?

A great game to write the number 1


Online pre-writing numbers -


This is a great link to a counting numbers online game -- The kids will love it!

This is a stimulating game that children will be able to play while being exposed to numbers from 1 to 5.Fisher Price - Number game

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